Top 10 Festival Hacks
Ever wondered what you need to take to a festival? The Gypsy Shrine are here to pass on some of their best hacks.
Whether you’re hitting your first festival or your 50th this summer, you can never be too educated when it comes to festival hacks, tips and tricks. Here are our top 10 festival hacks that’ll make your weekend even better:
1) Get a cheap phone for the festival
We’re talking old school Nokia 130 vibes (FYI you can get one of these for less than £20, bargain) you might not be able to take very Instagramable pics but at least your battery will last forever! So, no worries if you lose your mates whilst trying to find your way back to the tent in pitch black. If you are going to take your phone, make sure to take a case and keep your phone safe. Have you checked out our new phone cases?
2) Not allowed to take booze in?
Get creative, we heard Capri suns can come in handy. Disclaimer: it might actually be ‘against the rules’ to take booze in if you’re not allowed.. so don’t blame us.
3) Camp near a landmark, or get a flag
Make sure you make your camping spot memorable, so you can find your way home when you’re drunk and have lost all your mates (your Nokia will come in handy here)
Sorry to sound like your mum, but it’s really important. No one wants to miss the best acts because they’re in the medical tent getting emergency sun cream for their lobster sunburn.
5) Always wear a hair bobble on your wrist
We all know festival tents and crowds can get very sweaty, and the unlucky ones of us end up with beer splashed on us, .so make sure you’re always prepared for whipping it into an emergency topknot.
6) Greasy hair?
GLITTER! Pop some glitter in your roots and no one will ever know. Check out our HUGE range of glitters here!
7) Arrange a meet up point as soon as you arrive
A necessity in case you get split up, phones are lost/dead/in a puddle somewhere. It’s good to have a meeting point in the area so you don’t have to trek back to the tents.
8) Keep one pair of clean socks for the journey home
Trust us. Your feet will need it! And you'll thank us for this one later.
9) Wet Wipes – lots of them
Let’s be realistic, showering at festivals are never the nicest experience, the queues alone are horrific. Wet wipes are now your new best friend.
10) Leave early
It’s like a military mission trying to get out of the festival, being hungover and tired makes it 100x worse. We're not talking about missing the last headliner ... but try and get up super early on the day you’re leaving to avoid the crowds, the sooner your packed up the sooner you can be home and clean.
We’ll be posting about our festival experiences throughout summer, so make sure to follow us on socials, especially YouTube! If you’re looking for festi makeup inspiration, make sure to watch our Coachella inspired makeup tutorials!